Wednesday, December 19, 2012

We are Librarians! :)

Hehh, sorry for late posting, this is PPS farewell celebration 102012 :)

We are coming :)

4 pretty girls :)

The "Hok Ha" team!

My bag :)

Leng lui Poh Yee arrived :)

Weng Zhen!

Gerald, the game MC of the day :)

Our photographer, Wee Chun :)

So cute, haha :)

with GIRLS... :D

with BOYS... :D

Form 3s :)

Form 4s :)

Form 5s :)

Kheng Fai, the Ex President was giving his speech :D

The 'OLD' and 'NEW' President :D

Old New Presidents and vice Presidents :)

Couple of the Day :) Adrian and Loon :)

Leng lui Joanne, Wan Ling and Shu Yong :)

Zhen, ME, Yoke and Poh Yee, wahaha, I like this photo <3 p="p">
Ketua Hadiah :)

Teacher, Pn Hamidah was giving her speech :) The very last time to hear your speech, Thanks a :)

Gerald, singing :D

Game time :D
Joke of the day : Ma tong = Zhao Sheng? sorry =X

Punishment hahaha :D

Bo bian, have to put them together, because the photo cannot be put at the place that I satisfy :D

Last performance, Gamnan Style, haha, they're really crazy!

Presents from PPS :)

Signatures :D

3 Generations :)

One big family :D

Hey, dear all the PPS and juniors, I am happy and I never feel regretful to join PPS. It gives me joys and sorrows, it gives me chance to become a leader, to lead you guys, it gives me chance to become more independent, it gives me a lot of confidences on doing things. Aha, I am so sorry about my broken English, but I am really happy to be with you guys no matter form 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1. I appreciate you all :) 

Juniors, do your best. We sincerely believe that you can do better than us, better than last time, we are so sure. Thanks for the farewell celebration, we know that you guys have spent a lot of times, energy, money to make this awesome celebration, what a memorable and unforgettable party for us! Love you guys so much :) 

So, once a PPS, always a PPS! Don't ever think to give up to be a PPS! PPS, the best! bond.never.break and PPS spirit.never.die :)

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