Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hari Jubli Perak and Hari Anugerah Koko :)

Halooo, I wanna use chinese since my chinese is terribly bad plus my english is not so good, can't express my feeling well haha :) and, I haven't done my spm exam yet, left one last subject on next Monday, it's chinese paper. It's gonna kill me plus I have no any chinese materials to help me in exam, so HOW?!

Lai lai, Hari Jubli Perak plus Hari Anugerah Koko on 20 Octorber 2012!

Preparing for the PPS stall, sandwiches :D
I am the best in wrapping sandwiches muahahaa, because Pn Tan taught us when I was helping the chinses society club, ngek ngek XD

Thereeeee :D Miss Chai :D
Thank you a, thanks for letting us ponteng and stayed in your room, hahahaha :D
And and, thanks for saving us from being punished because of ponteng xD

Pn Suraya :D 
Sorry a, never listen to you while you teaching. But I've actually tried my very hard to listen to you wan but just your voice's too low, and my seat was too far away, erm so... couldn't hear clearly...... ><

Dear Pn Teh, ahaaa, thank you a, Poh Yee's mama xD You're the best teacher in my class, always asked "Can I give you some homework?" and then we usually answered "Cannot~~" but you just gave lol, so cute XD

The super winner on the day, Hui Yi and Chun Keong! :D

Aha, ah mui! Thank you a, but your message I will write on the next next post :D 

Aiya, terbalik dy, how to rotate a? Nvm la haha. Shu Yong and Teck Jia, thanks a, your message will be shown on the next next post xD

Aha, form 5s and those teachers la :D

My lovely juniors a, these greenies are very powerful wan, I can feel their spirit always, don't know why. haha, thank you a, thanks for supporting me in everything :D And, one thing, that time I cried on sport day, then someone among these greenies that sat beside me asked me not to cry, I couldn't found out who's that but, thanks so much, I love you all a :D

This jie jie a, Yih Wen. She's my friend gin green house leader. She's my sport partner, you know, on the sport day, sook yee cried because of her name was not in the participant paper, then we're all asking her not to cry lo, there's a junior I think, asked why need to cry about this, nothing de ma, then Yih Wen told her "You know, we everyone here are all like sport very much, sports are very important to us, we will fight until the end to win the game." Yea, like what she said, sports, is a part of my life, I like it so much. Thanks, my friend, my leader :)

Sport girls :) Petty and Cathy I knew them because of green house training, they're good people, haha. We're all so perpaduan during the sport seasons, we supported each other, shouted so loud, get the best for the team, even though green house didn't get the champion this year, but we've done the best right? thanks my friends and my partner :) Eelyn, haha, this fellow I knew her because of the running man game in school. My team left me and nixon 2 people only, then nixon sudah hilang, left me only, the eelyn and the team were bakat with carmen's team to chase me wan at first, but, after that eelyn came to me and bakat with me to chase them haha so fun. Hope we can play this next time :D 

My Juniors :D They're so cute so ren xiao gui da, haha. Hope you all can do better than this year to build up the PPS board with those gor gor jie jie a :D

Hui Ying :D Thanks a :D but your message will be shown on next next post :)

Hui Ern :) Yours too will be shown on next next post :D 

Hek, Hormat! These girls, thanks so much :)

My basketball members :) Thank You so much, even though we've lost but I still love you girls so much :) Hope you girls can win next year, without me :) Jia You!

Aiya, Terbalik again... Nvm la, this is Shahmin right? Haha, knew you since form 1 i think or form 2? You're always so funny, always asked me to "pinjam rambut", hahaa.. Thanks a, for showing the best performance to us :D Congratulation a :)

Aha, Xing Hui right if not mistaken. How I know you a? Aha, neh that day, I stayed there for my lompat kijang training a, then I was injured and I sat there couldn't stand up, then you came to me, and suddenly spoke to me... haha i still don't know you ma... You asked me "Are you okay?" with a funny plus 38 face, hahaa :) Knew because sport too :) thanks for caring me a XD

My lovely teacher, Pn...... Sazwini I think :P Sorry, what I can say is sorry. :( Sorry for not getting champion for the green house, always make you to feel disappointed right? You know? That day those stupid teachers yun wong our greenhouse plus you found that 2 of 3 who's taking part in long jump were not coming for the game, I saw your disappointed face, then I shouted on you "This afternoon, I will get number 1 in long jump for sure!" Yea luckily I did it :) But still sorry, I didn't do well in my other games, so so so sorry, green house didn't get number 1, very sorry :( You're the best teacher for leading the green house, really :)

Aiyaaaa, why har, how how how to rotate?? This is Cheong Chun, rich people. Message on next next post :)

Hallllo Kelokkkkk, your message on next next post tooo :)

Ahaaa, this xiao didi named Wong Wai Keat :) Leng zai leh haha :) He's the leader in my team in the motivation camp :) He's cute and the most confidentless member in my team, that's why I chose him to be my team leader. He saw me angry, then he will ask the team to be quiet. That day, I asked him, "有没有比较有信心了?" He told me "Yes, I did well in my exam, the marks are good!" Haha, so happy to hear that XD Jia You a!

Crazy guys plus one ke lian de girl xD You all de messages will be shown on next next post :)

Wei Zi right??? I always call you Zhi wei hahaa sorry a.... Macam I always write Kerja Modal instead of Modal Kerja in my account :D A basketball player, and a member in sakka gagai xD 

I like this photo, macam pre-wedding photo haha... message on next next post.

Last Photoooo :D 

I had been written something for 42-year-old de me :)
Hope I still have the chance to open the paper, and read what I wrote 25 years before after 25 years :)
Bye bye. :D

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