Friday, November 2, 2012

No Moon

There are important days for me to write about :
Hari Jubli Perak & Hari Anugerah koko, PPS Farewell, The last 3 days & Graduation day.
Other that all these, I have a lot of messages for my beloved friends. 
I am here to apologize to myself as I am really busy for the preparation of my last high school exam, so I tepaksa to write my blog only after the exam is over.

This might be the important task for me, which is to not to forget all of these and all about friends until my one month later, and of course I'm not going to forget anything until the time end, I PROMISE. 

and now and here, I have something to write.

每次发信息给他们,我都会写个 " Don't reply ", 但总会有一个人还是不听话的回我。
或许真的心灵相通,我每次发了信息,虽然都注明 "Don't reply", 但其实我每次还是期待你们的回信,而那人每次总会回我。(:

I have done reading some friends' blog.
I thought I'm strong enough to read all that, because the graduation has passed for more than 1 week.
But it proved that I was wrong because I couldn't control my tears.
I am not weak, I am just not strong enough, because you people are really my supports in my life, can't live without anyone of you. I love you all <3 div="div">

SPM Jia you ! :)

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