Monday, October 22, 2012

We Run KL 10k 2012


My first time joining Nike Run lol. I heard someone couldn't register as she is UNDERAGE! Omg, you know the moment I heard this I was like... lol, how good if I am still underage. So long time never being called UNDERAGE, omg.... So, we were separated in 3 teams I think, went to the start point at different time, and by different transport. erm, but at night when we finished our  long long distance run, we were still gathered together and went back together at same time and by same transport :) 

10 Km, the longest distance running event for me also. But I've done it in 1 hr 32 min up and down I think. I didn't check for my net time because I lost my ermm.. the tag. 

Before the event start, I met Heng and her friends. I followed Cathy and Petty run for about 2 km, then I gave up, haha, I slow down. Then no idea how long, suddenly there was a person hug me from behind! Haha, she's my cute mui mui :D Then we run together. But at last, I gave up... I saw my mui mui's back 从大到小,小到不见。

Finally, the finish line was there!! I even hold my paper cup until the finish line because I feel guilty to just throw it on the road. THE WORKERS OR VOLUNTEERS MUST BE SO SANFU ! Even though my one cup didn't really help much. Haha, This sentence seems so familiar right? I copy and paste wan, because I found that this sentence has shown my I am going to write XD After collected my Finisher Tee, I couldn't find anyone, so I just stood at beside and waiting for my friends. The lamps were switched off, and I couldn't see anything in the dark, because the sport lights're too strong. My eyesight is freaking weak at night! So I was so worry. When I felt lost, I met Hui Yi! Then xhui called me, when I asked her where's her, she didn't want to tell me and kap my phone, I was so angry until I shout on Hui Yi, I felt my spleen explode, so pain suddenly.

Then we all gathered at the baggage lorries there. The baggage service was damn suckkssss! We waited for our bags until I fainted... erm... 晕 la due to lack of oxygen. I couldn't stand and kept sweating. I sat beside the road, yoke mun so 正义 helped me to look for my bag. My T shirt all wet. I wan toh toh went to the toilet to change my shirt, so sam fu. I was fall asleep at beside road until they woke me up and told me that our bags were successfully survive! Damn them make me fainted, sucks service ><

Then when we went into the train, I saw a mui like so... ermm... tired? Then when we reached Maluri, those form 4s gone, but a mui still like... erm? I knew she has something but I didn't dare to ask so I just told her, I want to teman her. Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, then she safely back home :)

Type this so tired.............................. Bye :)

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