Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Form 4 :)

Hi, I am here again. sorry for the late posting here. I am going to flight in one week. So, this, I will post before I go, let you all sam xi xi 1st. I want to write about the Camp 1st, it's my last camp :'(

Wan Ling
A mui, happy new year a... I go Sarawak play for few days only when I come back I want to see you still very healthy very happy de a! Ah, remember to wear your spectacle all the time a, don't don't wear le, if not next time if become serious, then you kan bu dao me le... Choi choi choi... But you are so good girl, so guai so ting hua :) And hor, when I know that tried to call at 00.00am at 1 Jan 2013 but failed I was so happy so gam dong, I received your wishes dy, but so ke xi I did not receive your call. Sigh... School is going to start, study hard hard a, if you have what subject which chapter don't understand de, you can ask Ms Ng de, I am sure that she is so willing to help you :) Aha don't so stress about the Potassium, Sodium all that la. Man man lai la :) Erm... You are so smart so good girl, I know you can handle your studies so well one, haha because your result is much better than me la! Haha, I need to yi ni wei bang yang also :) Erm, aiya don't write so long la, later people jealous... Take care a! Don't always so late only sleep leh, if not the second day you will be very sleepy and cannot concentrate leh, and this will affect your health also, I don't want this happen a. TAKE CARE A! MUST TAKE CARE! Good girl :')

Shu Yong
Lao wu :P Had written a letter for you. They're all our memories from the day we knew each other until the last day I be in the school. We had a lot of fun when I was in form 2. We took picture in the playground there, then we had some problems and after that you wrote something in the playground there. And then I used my handphone to capture down what you wrote there. But unluckily my computer was formatted last time so all the pictures were gone..... Sigh... Why are you so cool a? Must take care yourself while working a. jia you la!

Hui Ying
Hello red eyes girl :) Don't cry la, so se bu de leh. You ar, must take care yourself tahu? Don't always so emo la, must sleep earlier a, haiyoh, don't hurt yourself a! Next time I don't want to see you tweet tweet so late tahu? Hahaa, still remember last time we had our ABC at the ABC stall there, I saw a drop of ABC dropped from your spoon to your hand, then I gave you the tissue, you felt so touching? Haha, mei xiang dao my small action can make you feel so touching leh :P Haiyoh, must take care yourself tahu, so worry about you leh!

Teck Jia
Halo Dek Jia, sorry for writing your name wrongly for so long time, hahaa.... Nah, I had sent you a letter through email, they're what I want to tell you. Sorry for not writing it by using my hand a, but you still have to keep the letter well a. Next time I ask you what did I wrote, you must answer me correctly a.. haha.. again, you are so beautiful la, hahaaha so xian mu ni :P All the best a! Aha, remember to fetch me a, I am waiting for you :)

Ahaha, brother, the first impression of you is you're so brave haha because you danced in front of the seniors last year in the farewell party xD erm, you're so funny and you're good in singing! The 1st time I felt that your voice's nice was in the camp this year, before you went for the flying fox, you sang "I believe I can fly...." haha, it's really nice, no lies.. in the Frim this year, you sang "Fantastic baby" and one more song I forgot dy, really nice lo. Next time you take part in singing competition I will be your super fans to support you! hahaa... take care of your leg la oku brother :)

Halo Michelle.. Erm haha, sorry a, making you cry on our graduation day. Look at you all can see the shadow of form three me. I was crying so bad for my seniors also. Thanks of the effort that you put on the preparation of the farewell thank you so much. heard that you guys prepared the video until did not sleep well. Haha, you are the vice president of the PPS, do your best a, jia you!

Hui Ern
Lao da, have a good year with you at 2009. Our duty day were same, on Tuesday a? Haha, you were the head of the afternoon session, mei xiang dao I jing ran under you hor, hahaha. Erm, and then we always have breakfast together, and then celebrated birthday outside the school at walkway there with foong yin. and then took picture at the playground there, and then took picture in the computer lab, haha, see, a lot of memories leh. Sigh still  remember I was struggling to advising you to not to quit PPS but at last you still quit le, so ke xi la. If not we will be so close until now lo :( and hor one more thing is so touching, in the PR camp, on the second day night, you said "Yinn, I feel like want to hug you" then you hugged me, sorry, made you so worry about me. I am so weak hor. and sorry made you feel so bu she de :( I wont forget you wan, never and never....

Jie Min
Hello, haha, Happy 2013. Thanks a lot. That day I was suffering with my stomachache and was under HIGH PRESSURE, and you're the one who was struggling to make me feel better. You took away my history text book and then read to me, thank you so much. And I received a message from you, thanks for your wishes and sorry for not replying because my phone was ran out of credit. It's quite touching when a person give out her hand to help you while you need it so badly. Thank you so much sapo. My name is ANG JEAT YINN 洪紫莹 :)

Wei Guang
Erm, don't always feel yourself so wrong on doing things la, actually you all did so well in everything. You all did things made us so happy so fong sam you know? Don't want to let you know about my NS just because you are so emotional sometimes, easy to become emo. I don't like to see you emo la. And hor, thanks for telling me somethings in the mamak, you fong sam, she sudah tahu! and hor, thanks for accompany me for few days when I was down. Jia you la, Poh yee is always available :P Study hard hard too a!

Keat Ming
Haha, I was the 1st senior that you know? I've already forgotten leh, but so good leh you still remember. Erm thanks for the hug in graduation day, I was so surprise actually. Aha, one more thing, I will learn bicycle and one day, I will be better than you, muahahaha. No la, joke la, I feel like I myself with the bicycle mei you yuan fen leh TT. I want to play basketball with you all, call me a! Lastly, president of the PPS, we sincerely trust you all can do better than us, better than before! Do your best a! Jia You!

Yong En
Erm before I know you, I saw you in the church. But after I know you, I seldom saw you in the church. Erm, wa you're so so different with your brother because your brother's too.... quiet for me. Luckily you're so noisy leh, if not har, very bored lo. And hor, your hand so long a, can catch and steal our ball so easily hor! >< Haha, study hard hard tahu? Don't disappoint Ms Ng or else I kick you :P

Kheng Hau
Hahaahahaha, Nixon, how are you? You're so bad when you did not allow me to sleep with someone, sigh so sad so sad. But you're still good la, haha. Erm, thanks for the McD number and T shirt although that number's male number lol. First impression of you.... erm... DBKL? Haha, someone told me you're DBKL. My first impression for you I think is 1C ba lol, always called me as "1C de 1C de!" Erm.... Aha, your 3 point shooting not bad yeh! and, good to play basketball with you when we're free. Our new PPS, Tan Kheng Hau :D 

Write for some form 3 and form 2 people :)

 Xin Wei
Melda, haha. You're so crazy. Did you still remember you and chee wei always "Ai Ni o"? Haha, sigh, next time nobody made this to me le TT Thank you a, both of your chatted with me just wanted me to fall asleep before you sleep. And when Chee wei said there's something in the tent, I was so worried so gan jiong and you told me that Chee Wei made a mistake just wanted to calm me down, lol, but I couldn't calm down until we found the stupid caterpillar in the dark. Thank you so much sapo and Chee wei, I know you she bu de me also haha, I will always remember you two :)

Shiao Dong
Haha, sorry I like to write Xiao Tong more. Still remember you asked me "Eh, do you actually know how to write my name?" Haha. Erm thanks for your supporting everytime when I was down. Thanks for accompany me to play basketball when I asked you. I have already graduated from school, not your teammate anymore and of course not your captain anymore, don't call me captain anymore. You are the new captain and your responsibilities are much more than me. I trust you that you can lead the team well just you have to be more more confident to yourself. Jia you la, :)

 Jia Yeng
Erm, feel like want to apologize to you. First, during our basketball match at 2012 year, I was in a very bad mood at the second day and made you afraid of me until not dare to talk to me. Second, so sorry if I didn't lead the team well and made you all felt so sad. Third, sorry if I had promised you to see your match at 2013 but I couldn't make it now :( Nah you had already promised me to 全力以赴, I hope you really do what you said, let me see who's the winner okay? I don't know why you were not dare to talk to me in school, if I did anything wrong, so sorry. Next time, you wont be seeing me in the school every morning and afternoon, and you wont be seeing me running on the field hahaha. All the best!

Yen Tong
Halo, xiao mei mei, hahaa. You're so crazy at first I was so scare to meet you actually. Thanks for the hai bao a, I am still keeping it nicely in my cupboard. Aha, congratulation you are in a better class now and don't feel so stress, I know you can improve yourself while competing with all the genius haha :) And, don't so miss me la, I am still at Malaysia pun, want to see me then sms me la I will come out wan. Erm, sorry for making you cry on my graduation day >< and, so so thanks for your supports no matter what I do. :D

1 comment:

  1. ya, u are my first senior, except my sis lar~ XD
    okay!! i will do my best for PPS!!
