Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Camp Motivasi 1 2012

I want to write down everything, every small things so that I wont forget it easily!

Day 1

Camp today, 20122012 :)
Went to Frim, Kepong by Kok Leong's car with his ma and his cute sister :)
Reached there at 8.45am I think with green Mcd 2011 T shirt, haha.
Have a walk with Gerald, oku, chatted a lot :)
Then went to toilet without taking out my shoe, sorry a..
and then saw a big black spider! duh, so terrible man. This is the 1st impression from the toilet.
so every time before I go into the toilet, I will ask them "Got spider or not?", go in when I have make sure that there's not spider :)
Went inside the "Bilik AJK" and chit chatted with those AJK and the long lost Shu Yong!
Photo outside the hall aka "Bilik AJK". 
People reached, then kumpul.
I am the fifth group, Six Sense!
Then Jungle Trekking and Canopy walk :)
haha, first time jungle trekking in the jungle, the road is so familiar to me.
Then saw another big brown spider at the tree there, omg! so gili.... ><
and then the abang allowed us to rest for 14min47secs, at the water there...
Kok Leong and me, resting on a big rock, very got feel leh :)
They're playing water happily in the water :)
After that, back to our campsite and had our lunch there.
There're some changes in the group. Bran had been changed to group 6 and Wan Chin had been changed from group 6 to our group :)
Then gathered in the hall there, and sat in group. We introduced ourselves, as what I said in FB, when I introduced myself, I told them, my name is Jeat Yinn, I am Form.... next year. At first, I thought they didn't know what form I am but when I said this, they looked at me and smiled, that means they knew it earlier. :)
My group leader : Chai Kok Foo
My group name : Six Sense
My group cheer : Who we are? One sense, two sense, three sense, four sense, five sense? Not, we are SIX SENSE! :D
My group members : Kok Foo, me, Wan Chin, Kai Siang aka Sakkai, our medic Wei Jie and AJK A sam :)
Six Sense ! :)

Then then...
They show us how to build the tent!
I was so excited about this, finally I have the chance to learn how to build a tent!!!! :D
So... We build our own tent with the aid of Guang Huang, thanksss :)
after finished building our tent, then we went into the hall, have some games there..
I have forgotten the name... what chicken.... 
Lol, this game's not my 强项....
I kena langgar then feel like I was flying in the sky -.-
Where got people use hand to play this game de, you see me, so weak, still use hand to push me.... :)
haha, while playing this game, we're so worried the hall will collapse at anytime..
After that bathed, then dinner.
The dinner was so awesome, got 家的味道, but lose my popo abit xD thanks to Wei Guang, and the AJK Makanan, Wan Ling, Shu Yong and Hui Ying, hehehe, I like the potato so much even though it's not 'mature' enough ..
After that, ice breaking....
dang dang, I played this as Ice breaking too 2 years ago in the camp, my very very first camp :)
Seeeee, my favourite food is sandwiches, haha. 
Gerald took the paper to me and said "Jeat Yinn, your favourite food is sandwiches! help me to sign :)!"
Sketch part, show something related to our group name, Six sense...
So we thought of promoting our group...
This is our sketch's story line : One day, a boy with his friends chit chatted along the way, then accidentally langgar one girl who carrying a dui of "Books", so the books all fell down. The boy wanted to scold rude word at first but when he saw the girl, he turned to his friends and said "Eh, lenglui leh!" Then start to do this...
When this boy did this to this girl, Wan Ling shouted to the girl "I tell mami! ><" walao so funny la that time, oh people "Horrrrrrr!" Then this girl threw the newspaper to Wan Ling XD hahaha.... so, they became so famous dy! then..... this boy asked this girl for the name, one of the friends of the boy told him "Wan Chin." Then this boy asked the girl for the age, another one of friend told him "14 years old" another question I forget le. then the boy asked for contact number, another one of friends told him "0123456789" then the boy was so angry and asked his friends why they know about all these, then his friends told him "Because we are SIX SENSE!" Haha :)

Then then....
Disco in the hall......... Crazy!

After that, sleep time.
The first day, I was sosososososoosso scared to sleep in the tent.
So scare until I couldn't get to sleep even though I felt so sleepy so tired. So, I joined Xin Wei and Chee wei to the boys tent there chit chat. Wei Guang checked tent.
until midnight, we went back to our tent there, and Xin wei and Chee wei chatted with me. They're so good actually, they tried hard to wait until I sleep 1st. We chatted a lot of things. At the half way, we found a caterpillar in our tent, 吓得我神魂不定!We wrapped it in a piece of tissue paper then PUT it outside the tent, then all of us fell asleep with my Tao Tao....

3.47am, we awake together.... omg hahaaaa don't know why we so ngam woke up at the same time.. then continued to chat. Suddenly, we heard the footstep sound so clearly, damn it I so so scared, then, the sound became louder and louder, then we saw a person walked through our tent like a ZOMBIE! We couldn't see it clearly, I thought she was 梦游, because our tent is the last tent, why she walked through our tent didn't check us if they're checking tent? Omg so so so scary, the footstep sound continued so clearly and louder, some thoughts in my mind, I thought it was a zombie, what appeared in my mind is... if the zombie comes to us, how? how? how?? I know I have extraordinary imagination that learnt from Gerald. The footstep became so louder again, my 头皮发麻, kept 冒冷汗... Damn... Xin wei moved to front to see who's that, 'Joe ee' Oh God, when I heard this, I was.... 松了一口气..... so scary -.- Why Nancy so scary?!

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