Saturday, April 21, 2012

Camp Orientasi 2012

The best camp and best experience in my life,
Form 1 Orientation Camp 2012.
I never regret to be a facilitator in this camp, never and never :D

went to school by teacher's car after tuition.
My mouth can't even close tightly in the car,
I was very very excited! :D
When I reached the school,
what I saw was those AJKs washing and preparing the water for the participants to bath.
Then we formed a line and passed the water "tong" filled with water from girls' toilet to boys' toilet.

The picture was taken before the camp start.
Spot the didi behind, I bet he's very excited as me too! :D

when I saw my group members,
I was just... omg!
There were Indians and Malays + one Chinese...
I am not racist,
but I was worried because my English and Malay are really very very super weak.

But after all, I found that,
It was not that hard to talk in English,
just those members had to listen to my Pasar English :D

The first night,
we were extremely tired.
Went for pizza then bathed then slept :D

2nd day morning,
bersenam, after that breakfast, then activities.
Human machine, our group performed "Ozone layer protector"
This name was my idea, and the machine was juniors' idea :)
"What is ozone layer protector?"
I took the mike YENGLY, they clapped for me.
"Ozone layer protector is the machine that protect the ozone layer."
Then silence....... "Chehhhhh!" XD
rest for a while when the peanut LDK was going on.
* Most of the AJKsss were sleeping in the library that time =.=
Telematch was the one of 2 that I like, had funs with members and those AJKss,
* The craziest po that I never see before, Sook Yee carrying the water bottle filled with water ran here ran there... memang crazy! :D
After the telematch, juniors cleaned themselves.

Then we had our super crazy water war!

After settled all the things, dinner together.
Then Earth Hour, they turned off all the light, and we made a circle, juniors made a circle in our circle, get it?
then, teacher played the song with laptop

We sang together, in the dark with bright :D
The best Earth Hour in my life!!!

After that, talentime.
Our group performed "Snow White", very funny, very creativity,
thanks to dai lou Gan!
I was the sport light girl :D

At the lately night,
we few people sat in a circle at the tapak there.
Then we played the soft ball,
then those boys came down and played volleyball, Zd..
then chatted at tapak with her and him until 3...4 am ba.
bu she de sleep T^T

3rd morning
woke up in the early morning 530am.
Unlocked the library door, then sat at the sofa there.
Damn freaking cold, until I kept shivering, couldn't move.
then Jia Qin came and talked to me.
Dont know why, she gave me a T shirt,
then I used the T shirt to cover my body, and slept at sofa there.

brought them to solat.
Then bersenam

Chicken dance.


Then activities.
They were all mixed up then made new group.
the famous angry bird was in group ten,
he talked to me o, so surprised XD
Then chose 3 people among the juniors to talk in front of everyone including those pentadbir in the closing ceremony.

Prizes time.
Video time. ( I almost cried that time, so touching, so bu she de )
then crazy photo time :)

Group 10.
The best group XD

The big family :D


AJKs Facilitators :D

 The best camp.
I love this camp so much so much!

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