Saturday, April 28, 2012

Merentas Desa 2012

Merentas desa today!
Went to school in the early morning.
People asked for demo the stretching so I changed to my track and field tshirt lo.
Then I think 6 or 7 of us demo in front of them, and they followed us.


Felt so semangat before the match start,
so, during the match,
I felt like wanna stop and walk but my mind kept asking me not to stop.
but damn it I mengalahkan my mind on the halfway.

Final destination

Congratulation to
Xiao Tong, Jie Min, Sook Yee, Kin Hian, Pei Queen and others :)
Thanks Yih Wen for supporting me :)
Sorry teacher and jentayu members, I couldn't get number 1 to 10.

Actually I'm very disappointed,
but trust me,
I did better than last year.
Tq :)

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