Monday, October 18, 2010

18 Octorber 2010

Today, nothing can post actually. After read a blogger, it's a must for me to post today. What I want to write are same as Carmen Lim's. I hope the time can stop, I am afraid of it too. I can throw away those stupid exam or other stupid things. I can be happy, smile and laugh all the time. I will not emo anymore. I will study very very hard, and don't be lazy anymore. I will be a super nice girl and don't easily angry anymore. I want to do many things that can make them happy. I will change my negative attitude. I will not to hate anyone anymore. Please la, stop the time. I have regret. You all are the most most special seniors, friends for us. Same as what Carmen Lim's, sorry if I did anything wrong. Thank you for coming into my life, you made my life become colourful. I will not forget you all, never and never and never! You all brought a lot of joys to my life, you all are too meaningful to us!

I promise you, I will not emo anymore, I will not say myself stupid anymore, I will smile and laugh always. I will study hard! I promise you. But, you must happy. I know you will :)

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