Wednesday, October 20, 2010

20 Octorber 2010

I wore PJ shirt to school today! I never step into my class today. Don't know teacher will think that I was absent? We went to APD while teacher said:"Pelajar form3 sila tunggu di tapak selepas perhimpunan." to discuss something. After recess time, our class and 2 other classes were called to APD to watch movie "Toys Story3". We can't watch because we're called to clean the library due to the conference later. Had some fun there with the juniors and our friends la, like WengZhen, Carmen, XueWern, PohYee, KhengFai and others la. We waited for the bell rang.
Finished school, we went for lunch with SENIORS! We went to the different place instead of KokHing. SENIORS decide. But unluckily it's closed. We went to another place that we ate Curry Mee before. After we ordered the Curry Mee, SENIORS helped us to order the "Long ngan nai"? Hehe, from another stall. Today didn't talk as much as last time when having our lunch, maybe the weather too hot, because I kept sweating. Hehe, because I am too happy so the sky didn't rain, that's why the weather so hot made us didn't have the mood to talk xP The "Long ngan nai" was nice! Out of my expected! (can I write like that?) Ok, finished, we went to SENIOR's house. We chatted there and after that we back.

Miss my tie pin and I found my collar pin!
My friend was not really happy but hope that she can be happy after that.
The days after PMR and before SPM.
3 more weeks left, must appreciate all the moments with them. Thanks ar :)

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