Saturday, October 16, 2010

15 Octorber 2010

The third day after PMR!
5 words can describe it, SIENZ.

PPS Majlis Perlantikan.
The morning, as usual, we sit at the tapak.
I was waiting for the PPSss...
Very excited!
They so yeng xXP

After that went down to the Science lab.
for duty SPBT.
Finished, we chatted at there.
HuiYi brought the Guitar.
And played BURGER at there.
Played for a longggg time...
Can't finish it, very funny somemore qi gek!
Then suddenly,
Maykei took the report file of returning book and said "Don't play 1st, see this!" with the scary face.
There was an error.
but after checked it, luckily it's not our mistake. Huuu...
Then don't know who joked and said "Today wan sure wont got any mistake"
So, Maykei and JunHong kept finding the today's mistake, Lol...
Ya la, we also got mistakes...
But it's a happy moment when checking and "scolding" XP
Not the big mistakes la.

Then then, Maykei joined us and played the BURGER!
Haha, very fun and noisy XP
After that we played ZUO YI QUAN YOU YI QUAN...
Pn. Sitilia came in and asked "Which teacher in charge?"
Wa, you know?
We thought she wana scold us, but who knows....?
Maykei "Pn. Aziza"
Pn. Sitilia "You all wanna drink?" O.O
Pn. Sitilia "You write down what you want, and get it to canteen tell them the bill under Pn. Sitilia" xD
Wawa.... thanks thanks...

Bell rang
We went to meeting lor.
That time I went to library only knw there was a notice : FORM 3 PPS MUST ATTEND O.O!!!
What so serious!?
I thought wana spot check us ><
After meeting, Maykei and Syahirah discussed something with us form3 PPS lo..
Oo, Yuan Lai Ru Ci!!
After that, went back by bus TT

Today, stomachache ><
Woke up early morning,
after taking the breakfast,
slept again until afternoon...
so xing ku ><

That's all, bye..

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