Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pmr? OVER!

Yes, I am back!
Finally, PMR was over.
Happy or not?
Happy! Happy that I don't need to look at those stupid questions on the exam paper.
No need to think about those stupid questions.
No need to sad.
Trying to avoid thinking about those kinda stressful stuff, I mean the result.

I am FREE now.

The last paper for PMR.
Bahasa Cina.
Especially paper 2, stupid me kept shivering while doing the zhong kai.
So... so what? Very ugly lo ><
Section D, stupid me again.
Even nose also don't know how to write.
Paper 1, it was still ok.
But, the stupid gu wen very... How to say?
I totally don't know what's the meaning @@
My exam, not ok.
But Mathematics quite ok for me :)
After the Bahasa Cina paper 1.
MayKei, Michelle, XinYan, CarmenHeng and Lim, Pearly, LingSze, KarYee, Meri, KokKuan and me went to KokHing for lunch.
Fun and happy!
Thanks thanks thanks :D

I am FREE now.

That's all!

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