Sunday, August 22, 2010

7 August 2010 Hari Koko

Today was hari koko. I woke up early n went to school with the PBSM uniform. I knew it's weird. but no choice. Becuz I had 'forced' to take part in marching XD paiseh, just joking only. It's ok for me to wear the uniform but it's very very not ok for me to pin up my hair!! >< made me whole day didnt dare to face anyone =.= k, nvm, i felt ok after that. I was very very n very nervous, the hand, head, n whole body kept sweating. K, I made mistake when marching, stupid lar me =.= after that, I went to Ling Sze's house with PEarly, n we had fun at there xD

That's all for today xD

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