Sunday, August 8, 2010

Trans-adventure camp 2010

We had our Trans-adventure camp at Kuala Linggi, Melaka on 31 July to 1 Aug. It was really fun!! I damn like it! It's different n better then others camp!! No la, actually this was the 1st time i go camp~

all the facilitators are nice !!
food nice ~
dorm nice ~
activities nice ~

After reached, we listened to a short talk on the activities and facilitators. Amelia n Jocelyn Yeoh, they were crazy and funny, Major Christopher, I tot he's a very strict person, but not!! XD After that, we separated into 4 groups n they decided choose boy, girl n group LEADER. Carmen Lim was chosen to be our girl leader, n Pearly was group3 leader n also my group. We given tasks forming group names, cheers n some mental indoor activities.
Our group name was BUGZZ!!This is because insects have great teamwork...XD

Other than that, v stil gt a nice cheer~~~

Our outdoor activities
-Dragon tail
-Dutch lady toilet bang watermelon
-Mind your own business

Haha, it's fun n so cool while we were playing the 'dragon tail'. Cuz we show out our TEAMWORK to win this game, Bugzz are the BEST! My body was soaking wet when we were playing 'mind your own business'. Even we were the last team to finish this game, but still I was touching to see that others kept helping us n happy to see our TEAMWORK XP Those games were given points so we were actually competiting.

Our turns to serve the dinner. Actually I kinda touching when they finished their dinner, Pearly still stayed in the canteen/hall to wash the dishes. I know that she was the LEADER but still thx a lot, cuz the other members ady went for rest and we washed together lor, she's so responsible.
Not forget to mention that the dinner was delicious especially the chicken! XP

After that, we had our night walk. I was very excited cuz this' the 1st time 4 me lar XD

It was Miss Chai's birthday as well, so we threw her a surprise! Emily came into the mini hall with hands holding a cake n all of us stood up singing Happy Birthday song. Miss Chai said that it was the most unforgettable birthday she ever had.^^
It was a heavy raining night,the wind blew strongly until I got fear. The dorm like wanna collapse gam =.= I was not feeling well after tat, i kept cha the minyak angin, lol. I felt tired n headache. I went to carmen's dorm as Pearly n Maykei went to the other dorm. Had a good chat with Xin Yan. She accompanied us doing the 'homework'. I was not dare to sleep up side, so decided to come down n sleep with carmen ... XD

Sweet dream.... ....

5am, Xue Wern scolded me that because I told her if she wanna go to toilet, can wake me up for accompany. But I didnt xP because yesterday I slept at 3++ something due to the weather really cold like hell. I used the blanket to cover my whole body included my head. xP Xue wern said my hair so yeng, hahaha, because just woke up, very messy xP After that, I brushed my teeth n washed my face, then went to my own dorm to find Emily. About 6am, I followed Emily to find Pearly. She's at big Carmen's dorm. big Carmen so so funny xP I went into the dorm n came out within 10 seconds. Then I went to Xinyan's dorm, they were rushing for the future car, n I given out the idea of '1 Malaysia', Lolz...

7am went for morning PT. We gathered at the car park there, and do some exercises which are sit up and stomach muscle training. We ran for 1km and walked for 1km. We had some fun too xP I still remembered Major said "I am challenging you!", cool!
After breakfast, the fun and exiting activities got started.

-3RD > ELECTRIC something...
We didnt play the last activity > TREASURE OF LINGGI
Because we had not enough time.

The 'Spider Web' made me felt sad and made me cried. Because I had no confidence at all. The hole was too small la >< style="font-weight: bold;">Who we are? BUGZZ!" Wa, touching leh! but still sorry I cant pass it. The 'Rock Climbing', I was very very very afraid! It's too high for me, really. I was the first one who got into the tower, but not the 1st one who got onto the tower. The worker inside the tower very funny. I took the glove and told him that I dont know where should I put. but he kept making jokes with me =.= My turn to go onto the tower, very very very scared!! I kept shivering when I was climbing the ladder. The man who at up side, made me a new nick name "Glory" xP
I was afraid to make my first step so it took some time for me to start abselling. Then the 'Tower of success'. I did really wanna give up at that moment!, but someone made me to continue my way. Thx.
The 'ELECTRIC something...', I got through the circuit successfully! Someone made me had the courage to jump over the circuit, Thx again!

This time, the groups were presenting their car projects and the teachers were the judges.
Before the whole session ends, the spokesperson from each group gave a short review about this camp.
Our spokesperson Dennis xP He's so funny!
I gave some of my teammates to write the booklet that 'what your teammates say about you?'.
and then and then... I took out it form the booklet. xD ><
Teacher told us that the bus haven reach !!! =.=
So, all of us went 2 take photos.... XD (the only chance 2 take photo)
So so happy can with some people that I like took photo xP but lazy to post up here~
They still played the 'dragon tail', 'watermelon....' so so funny!

I'm really happy that my teammates are very good, tolerate and cooperate. The 1st time I know what is the real TEAMWORK! very happy to be in this group, BUGZZ, and happy to have a responsibly LEADER!
I'm here to say thx 2 u all my awesome teammates!! GO BUGZZ!!! XD
On the way back, we still slp and cit chat in bus. I like the time in bus! Thx you all giving me the chance to play with you =]


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