Sunday, August 22, 2010

14 August 2010 StarPlus

Today i went for badminton with Pearly, LingSze, Carmen Heng n Lim, XinYan, and Catherine at StarPlus. I woke up early for preparing anything. then I took bus to school n went for lunch with pearly. After that, we went to lingsze's house again. 12.45pm, Carmen heng reached here n fetched us to starplus. carmen lim, xin yan n catherine already reached there n playing badminton. we had booked for 2 hours n 2 court. played till very tired. and the stupid lc girl made me angry!!! You didnt better than us la, have no qualification to talk, stupid! Lolx, after that we back home lor. then something happened.. dun know how can i describe it, zong zi those were not the good matter lar.

Thx xin yan for booking the court n fetch me back home.

That's all for today too.

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