Thursday, December 1, 2011

...::: 29 Nov 2011 :::...

29 Nov, I went to BM tuition. Woke up at the early morning, then brought along those files to center. After that BM tuition, thought I'm going to show a fishing pose in the class but luckily I didn't. Realized that I've forgotten to put the punch in the center, so I was forced to go to center again after my BM tuition, because teacher needs it. I tell you, the sun was really freaking hot!! But at last, I decided to go to Juan's house and asked her to pass the punch to MsNg when she comes at this evening. When I finished using her toilet, I wanna go home. But she asked me to watch... erm, about animals de. I forgot the name of the movie? Nop, drama? Nop, err, something like ji lu pian ba! I don't know what is that in english. Erm, the America polices helped those injured animal or the animals like dog, cat, bird... which facing some problem... err, something like that la. The police helped them and saved them, they sacrificed a lot to save the life of animals, they love animals! Okay, then I watched lo, :)

At 2 something, Juan's ma fetched us to Jusco. Juan bought those materials needed to make chess cake and then we went to pet shop. Lot of new things for me today!! When we felt tired, we sat at the long chair outside the pet shop and chatted until her ma called her.

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