Sunday, August 22, 2010

Special day xD

Learn Pearly lar. 1 post for 2 days.

Friday 20 Aug
Today was no meeting, so we decided to follow Xinyan them to take our lunch at KokHing. We were 11 people, XinYan, Carmen Heng n Lim, Catherine, Pearly, Merissa, Kok Kuan, KarYan, KarYee, Sweet Yee n me. I was shocked that KarYee really very very funny and the others also, KokHing filled for our laughing sound xD They made me cant drink the soup properly, really pro lar them, I still can remember what the words came from Karyee's mouth "drink la." made all of us at there cant stop laughing at all, see, how pro is her,O.O!! They brought a lot of fun for us, really, thanks!!

Saturday 21 Aug
Today, when I was doing the Maths exercises, Pearly called me. She asked me to go Ms.Ng there. I didnt ask for reason, bcuz I forgot ady. Carmen called me, asked for the same thing. I wanna go, I wanna to see Ms.Ng. That time I thought Ms.Ng will goes too. But when I reached there only know that she cant come. Haiz.. But we still had a lot of fun there =) We were very paiseh n didnt dare to take food. They kept asking us to eat. Then we ate n chatted at there. I saw Pearly kept doing things, but I didnt know what she does. The food were good!! Finished, I took the whole watermelon container in front of Merissa, KarYee n me, we ate together xP but they wanted to play game, so we stopped eating lo.

We played:
1st Rampas the chair
2nd Up not straight down will crook
3rd Bi hand draw leg
LOL, stupid la me, if you cant understand what i write, you can ask me straightly...

Rampas the chair
We had fun at there. From the start of 13 chairs to the end of 1 chair xD very qi gek n funny ~ I got into the final round, Yeah!!! but die at there tooo!!!
Up not straight down will crook
This part ar, I dont wanna use "sad" this word to spoil your mood, I use disappointed. I was the mouse shit =.= I very stupid on it, sorry ar ><
Bi hand draw leg
This ar, I still can remember the 1st chose of me "Micheal Jackson". Lol, very paiseh to do the action lor. but luckily someone was so smart! Huuu... I was safe! xP

The party was fun, n the games were fun too! Thanks for preparing the food n games. Thanks 4 u all 2 give me an enjoyable n happy day. Thanks Xin Yan for fetching me back home. Thanks carmen for acc me to there. Thanks Pearly for inviting me to join. Thanks 4 u all 2 give me an enjoyable n happy day. Thanks KarYee for comforting me. Thanks Pearly for chatting with me after that. Thanks God for giving me the chance to know them.
Wish that Ms.Ng can get well faster!!!!
I very miss her >< ><

That's all for today lar. Nite ~