Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sorry Ms.Ng


I'm really exhausted today, i fell asleep at class, even during tuition Ms. Ng said that i lose my voice due to "selling fishball". =.= I din sell fishball lar.. but actually i'm just mentally n physically tired.


Today I also need to tuition. Teacher was absent for the last 3 period today, it was the best time to have a nap, but then we were asked to copy down all the notes from the white board. while during tuition, i was totally exhausted, furthermore i cant find my science notes that i copied last week, even Ms. Ng helped to search but still the notes were no where to be found. I so stupid ><

I've disappointed Ms. Ng these two days, i bet she is mad at me. I dont know what to do, i felt very sorry for her.
I dont have the guts to tell u but i'm really sorry. I hope u can forgive me.

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