Friday, July 2, 2010


The stupid Jeat Yinn me today want to post many.

I'm not a person who have no assertion, is just that i'm shy, especially infront of the seniors, i'm shy to involved n give out my opinions. I felt comfortant n relaxing when the senior are around me,especially those seniors that i like n respect. Think toward the positive, the term "like" can b use not only for lovers or couple, it could be used on friendship too n also to those senior i wish to get to know them, because they are really very funny, kind, friendly, helpful, wont get mad easily, made me felt happy or whatever they did made me felt touching. Like... Yu Ying, Michelle Yap, Jie Er, Maykei, Ling Sze, Merissa and Pearly..... I dun noe lar >< sometimes, i like to spend time with my seniors more than with my friends, because i get to meet my friends everyday but i dont have much chance to meet my seniors because they all have their own business to take care of, i hardly get to spend time with them, moreover i really miss them as they leave me one by one every year, graduatin from school, so sad..
2008 - Michelle, Yu Ying
2009 - Jie Er
2010 - Pearly, Merissa, Ling Sze
2011 - Maykei
2012 - me lar, my friends..

i dont know the purposely of writing this but this is how i feel..

bye bye...

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