Sunday, July 18, 2010

18 July 2010 Siemens Run

As my tittle was written, today's the day of Siemens Run. Woke up so so early and I nid to fetch Carmen too. When we reached Ktm, the people were not as much as last year, just a little bit people. We waited for themmm.... Maykei them la, and we took train to there la. 7.40am, we started to run, run run run!! K, I promised Carmen that I'll run with her wan, but half way I dam dai kui XD cuz ar, she had Bryan teman liao, no nid me la, hahahaa... Run run run, felt a little bit regret to took part in this run lor, very tired leh... but act I every time also like that.... Finally I finished it!!! hahaha, used 50 minutes to finish 6km, not sooooooooo bad lar XP... After that, me n Carmen followed Maykei went to Sungei Wang lor, tell you lar, this's the 1st time I go there xP Me and Carmen walked here walked there, we visited all of the watch shop n finding a type of watch... that white colour wan... but very disappointed cuz we cant find it... and then we went for our lunch, MCdonal!!! then something bad happened, dun feel like want mention here... k, after that we back by train. and so qiao Bryan also same train with us, then he fetched me back home lor... That's all for 2day too! bye...

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