Sunday, June 6, 2010

4 June 2010

I woke up early, cuz today was our school teachers' day... It's was fun today! There were many performances... err, i sat at the before the performance start until the end of it... i never away from there, haha, can you imagine the feeling? It's so suffer!! =.="
Err, after that... I was panic when finding my lost cake... where is my cake wuiii???!! Ya, finally i found it and i asked my fren help me to get to teacher... then... err... so paiseh lor... pearly's frens... and also my seniors la... they went to take lunch lo, then I also followed lor, cuz i need to go tiution with them mar... so so so so so paiseh de lor ><
Finished, they went to Merissa's house, very paiseh!! >< I stomachache o, dont know why =.=" They bathed at there lor...
Finally, we reached teacher's house... so paiseh >.< >.< >.< I fell asleep at there lor, too tired, but no one knows...huuuu xD 6pm, I back home lor...
Today was fun and very paiseh >.< But they so so so so good ^^ :D =P

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