Friday, February 12, 2010

11 Feb 2010

10 Feb was Weng Kiet's birthday..
Happy birthday =]
Today was Hui Ern's birthday..
I handmake a birthday card to her leh..
so good leh xD
Happy birthday =]

We had to kawad..
PPS always so hardworking wan..
Merissa looked so no mood..
and she told Maykei that she really dont want to join kawad le..
During the rest time..
Xian Zong, Kheng Fai, Han Qin, Carmen, Poh Yee, Weng Zhen and me..
Asked Maykei that we tmr dont come for Kawad can Or not..
But she looked like so angry..
and, finally we said we will come..
Today all of them were so no mood, so unhappy..

When I back home..
I told Xue that tmr I cant go for ear le..
Then she asked me to tell ma lor..
Then I told ba and ma lor..
Ba told me that they already planned jor many many things..
and invited many ppl go to..
She asked me to tell piing and comform again lor..
Then I told piing lor..
After that, xue said they asked le many ppl go and planned many things liao lor..
I asked Maykei again lor..
for a long time, she replied me..
She let us go, but I felt that she was angry..
I so no mood lor, then I told Carmen I dont wanna to go to eat le..
But she told me..
Xue them planned liao long long time, and planned le want order what food also..
then asked me to make my own decision lar..

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