Sunday, January 16, 2011

..:: Second week ::..

So fast! The second week passed!

10 January 2011

Today SPBT duty. We had Chicken rice as our lunch. After that tuition lo. Finished tuition, we went back to the school. I met Jie Min's mother, and we talked for a long time. Then I went inside the school to meet MayKei. The students were having their olahraga training. Some of them were running and some of them were practicing lembing and cakera. Haih, I was very xin tong. Thought back when last time, I was a very very active girl and joined many co-curriculum. I joined olahraga and trained every week. Run around at the field, practiced the cakera and lembing, and never feel tired at all! But now, my tuitions were occupied my time, I can't even have my proper time for duty and ONE co-curriculum! Ok, I have to stop this topic. We had a chat at the stone table beside the car park. Tired ~


Hehe, see the date =)
We went Mamak after school. Met Joel there. Tired ~

12 January 2011

Thanks God! Today I didn't bring the Chemistry text book due to the wrong timetable. But the Mr.Tham was absent today, heheheeeeee =E My first essay, teacher wrote 'See Me!' on my book. Ok, today very very sleepy! I slept for 2 hours ++ only. After school had lunch at PanMee and then went to tuition PnHarris, walked so far very tired. Finished, then tumpang XiaoHui's car to MsNg centre. Many people lo! Haih! Then went makan with Zhen them lo, and da bao mixed rice and ran back to the centre for MsNg! Then tuition until 10pm, MsNg was very fierce. :( Asked for XinYan's help to solve my essay problem. She typed in the msn, but I slept at that time =_= Thanks. Tired ~

13 January 2011

Today, my eyes couldn't open at all! Too sleepy la weiii! I felt damn damn sleepy during the assembly. After school, duty PPS and after that tuition. Night, tuition again, the teacher kept saying me copy XueWern's answer. Suan le. Tired ~

14 January 2011

Friday. Perjumpaan rumah sukan. SIENZ! The stupid daogei also can be our Ketua Permainan! Our team died dy. We had our first experiment in the Bio lab. After school, PPS meeting. Haih. Don't talk about this la. Then tuition. Haih. Many People la! After tuition, me, Carmen and HuiLoon stayed in the room, HuiLoon waited for her van to come. HuiLoon gone, we also prepared to go back to the school but MsNg asked us to stay down, something to discuss with us after the form3 lesson. MayKei came. 6.44pm, MsNg fetched us back to school. Tired ~

Sunday, January 9, 2011

..:: The first post in 2011 ::..

Before I start the first post for 2011,
I wanna write a post for the last day of 2010,
It was a memorable day for all of us =)

31 December 2010

Yea, the best New Year eve I ever had. I love the day so much too! My popo allowed me to count down with THEM at Desa ParkCity. Thanks God =) XinYan's whole family fetched us to there. Thanks XinYan and her family. There were many shops, houses and people! There was a big lake and playground too! We had steamboat as dinner. After steamboat, we went to have a tattoo drawing on our hands. Guess what we drew? Walao eh! Photographs, please visit Carmen's blog. =) We got nothing to do after that so we decided to buy some junk foods to SweetYee's house. We bought 2 bottle of Pringles and 1 box of Ice-cream! We also played the HEART ATTACK in her house! xD 12.00am, fireworks was released. The most beautiful fireworks I ever kan! I felt that I was being in my own world at that time! Hehe =) The feeling while watching the fireworks with friends is different with watch alone outside the house. I know it's broken. We shouted Walao Eh together! After that we had the SPRAY WAR =) Love the day!

2 January 2011

The start of the year 2011, I cried for whole day. I think you guys know the reason. Today I didn't go to church because we whole family had breakfast together. But today was the most tasteless breakfast I ever ci. Went down to the 99 Speedwattt, and typed the message for 30min something. And just bought a 100 plus, for no reason. Sat at the balcony there for 30min and looked at the sky, for no reason. KarYee already went to Sarawak, Miri for National Service on this day. Do miss her =)

3 January 2011

The first day of the school. At first, I was so excited to be with my friends! However, students in classes 4A and 4B were being shifted to make the students' academic results balance? Praying hard while the teacher was calling the names. I was being shifted to A class! You know? My tears came out when I stayed in the class. Haih. Had lunch together with Zhen and Carmen at Pan Mee stall. Rain. Smart MsNg fetched us to tuition.

4 January 2011

SPBT duty for the whole week, because there were many people still haven't get the text books. And so, I was not be in the class. But not only me la, we whole row just left 3 people in the class. Chinese class, 4A, C and D combined. Had lunch with Zhen, Fai, MayKei and Joel at Pan Mee stall. The last Longan Nai. Joel fetched us to bus stop. Sms with XinYan. ( Ps: Actually I sent the message at 1am++ but she received it in the evening ) She taught me some tuition works and we chatted until 130am? Her new record. Thanks. Between, I was being shifted into A class isn't because of my result, I am not a smart person, but thanks anyway =)

5 January 2011

SPBT duty. Slowly got to know some students in the class but not the SK students. I don't know how to talk English. Rush to finish the Papa novel, but failed. Had lunch together with Maykei and CarmenLim at Pan Mee stall. But I ate Roti which made by popo. After that, Maykei tuition at MsNg centre and we tuition at PnHarris there. Finished PnHarris, then went to MsNg centre. Met Zhen there and we did our incomplete works. Asked for XueWern's help to da bao the Mixed Rice for us and Carmen's sis brought fried rice for her with lunch meat and lap chiong xD Then tuition until 10. He forgot to fetch me at MsNg centre, so MsNg fetched me back. So sorry and Thanks =)

6 January 2011

SPBT duty. The last two period, Biology. We back to class to pay the yuran, and presentation. Stayed back. We... Me, Zhen, CarmenLim, HanQin, Fai, XueWern........ and others la, waited for MayKei to finish her Chinese class. Had lunch together at Pan Mee stall. Tuition Maths. Very sleepy, paiseh MsChin, yesterday didn't sleep well. =)

7 January 2011

Gotong Royong. Teacher asked us to stay in the class and clean the class. Teacher asked us to come to the Hall and clean the Hall. Teacher asked us to go to the Library and clean the Library. SPBT seniors asked us to help in the lab and Boss room. @@ At last, we helped in the lab and Boss room. We moved the books from the lab to the boss room, from the 1st floor to the top floor. Damn tired, but it's fun, really. I felt the smile from them =) PPS Meeting! After that we po bu ji dai went down and met Ex form 5! xD Long time no see! Miss them so much! Had lunch together at PanMee stall again! Happy! But Longan nai zap lap dy, haih. After that tuition. They went to Fai's house.

5 Days Pan Mee stall.
5 Days SPBT.

Thank you,

That's all,

Saturday, January 1, 2011

..:: Do remember the year ::..



旁边那个可爱的人,闷到唱Blah blah black sheep~
然后我这个人,就喊了一声不算大声,又不算小声的: " Diam lah! ".
然后,CarmenLIM 第一个笑,弄到我和全班都一起笑。

真的要谢谢那个教到我进步的补习老师咯 :)
可是阿,当你一做完,你就会觉得自己,看到很久没看到的光,哈哈 :)
背完后,你也会看见希望的光 xD
当我们遇到困难,就来帮我们,这是她们的性格 :)

每一次都很开心 :)

这些是需要感谢的事 :)

还有另外一个,友谊永固 :)

就好像她说的:“你在你的世界里” xD
就好像它给我们机会许下愿望 :)
当天的事,迟点会Post, 一定会Post!



时间不会冲淡坚固的友谊 :)